Learning Center

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started”

-Mark Twain

Our Learning Center as an essential tool for Independent Financial Advisory firms seeking to provide specialized employe training and development to their team members. This center provides descriptions of our online video lessons designed to cover crucial concepts and skills, enabling you to execute your responsibilities with high efficiency and expertise.

Providing those in management positions of financial advisory firms functional tools and skills they can incorporate to become better managers of a firms’ most critical assets, its people. 

Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is vital to any kind of success, including your career and beyond. Simply put, critical thinking is a questioning approach to form a judgment or conclusion.

Time Management

The practice of time management requires focus and conscious planning to help win back control of your busy day, and conquer financial goals.

Become A Prioritizing Pro

Successfully and accurately completing your daily tasks lies in your ability to properly prioritize those tasks. Teresa Riccobuono, CEO of Simply Organized, explains the What, When and How's of becoming a Prioritizing Pro.

Developing Emotional Intelligence

This course will provide participants with the tools to gain control over emotions, navigate challenging situations, and communicate empathetically.

Coaching & Mentoring

Two useful tools to develop team members and improve performance. Understanding the difference between the two and when to use them is important for employee success.

Conducting Employee Reviews

Learn the steps to process a rollover with a client and what considerations to be aware of to make it go as smoothly as possible. 10 min

Supervising Others

Supervising others can be a tough job. Between managing your own time and projects, helping your team members solve problems and complete tasks, and helping other supervisors, your day can fill up before you know it.

Facilitation Skills

Often referred to as the new cornerstone of management philosophy. Facilitation can make any organization make better decisions.

Knowledge Management

This course teaches participants the tools that they will need to begin implementing knowledge management in their organization

Crafted to equip participants with the necessary technical knowledge, skills and industry insights as well as the client relationship expertise to thrive in this critical wealth management position.

Elective Level Classes

Elective courses which provide more advanced technical training and professional skills required to succeed as a Client Service Associate in a financial advisory firm.

Providing Outstanding Client Service

Discover the reasons behind clients perceiving the service they receive as exceptional and the essential skills required to deliver it.

Navigating the Passing of A Client

Learn the important nuances of negotiating the complexities of transitioning assets to beneficiaries. Being properly prepared on which documents are needed and common pitfalls to be aware of will help you solidify client relationships.

Become A Prioritizing Pro

Successfully and accurately completing your daily tasks lies in your ability to properly prioritize those tasks. Teresa Riccobuono, CEO of Simply Organized, explains the What, When and How's of becoming a Prioritizing Pro.

Required Minimum Distributions

Understand the complex rules which govern Required Minimum Distribution rules for qualified plans.

Time Management

The practice of time management requires focus and conscious planning to help win back control of your busy day, and conquer financial goals.

Mastering Difficult Clients

This training equips individuals with the ability to navigate challenging interactions, turning potential conflicts into opportunities for positive engagement.

Preparing Client Review Meetings

Learn best practices for thorough preparation for this critical advisor/client interaction.

Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is vital to any kind of success, including your career and beyond. Simply put, critical thinking is a questioning approach to form a judgment or conclusion.

Moving Money For Clients

Among the most common service request in a financial advisory office, this course will cover the who, why and how to move money for clients

Trading For Client Accounts

Accepting and processing trades for client accounts is an integral part of client service. This lesson walks you through the important points of completing transactions efficiently and accurately

Foundation Level Courses

These courses offer a robust framework for understanding the essential concepts and practices within retail financial services. Each lesson is comprised of a 10-20 minute video lesson and short knowledge quiz.

Introduction to Qualified Accounts

Qualified accounts play an important role in client's retirement plans. This course will provide you with an overview of what they are, how they work and why they are so important.

Introduction To Stocks

This lesson covers the fundamentals of Stocks, also known as equities. What they are, how they are held, traded and valued.

The Importance Of Asset Ownership

How assets are owned has a significant effect on a clients financial plan. This course explains the different forms of ownership and the impact of each.

Introduction to Bonds

A lesson covering one of the most basic building block of client portfolios. You will learn how bonds are priced, rated, constructed and traded among other important basic concepts.

Basic Estate Planning

Estate planning plays a critical role in financial planning. This course covers common concepts encountered in a financial advisory practice.

Mutual Funds

An overview of one of the most common investment products available today. The class covers structure, pricing, trading and other topics useful in servicing client accounts.

Insurance Basics

A lesson to introduce basics concepts of insurance, typical steps in the issuance of an insurance policy, types and uses of common insurance policies

Exchange Traded Products

Exchange Traded Products have become a staple in client portfolios. This lesson will cover useful topics that will help you provide your clients outstanding service.

Annuity Basics

An introduction to annuities, what they are, how they are structured, common features and an overview of the different types

Developed to teach financial advisors professional skills beyond the scope of traditional securities exam content. Our course covers critical topics crucial for success in the field, providing knowledge and insights missing from securities exams.

Professional Skills Lessons

Building Your Brand

A strong brand is crucial for Financial Advisors to establish trust, credibility, and differentiation in a competitive market. This course will show you how to define and communicate your brand to ideal prospects and clients.

Productive & Profitable Client Reviews

Client review meetings offer Advisors the opportunity to solidify client relationships and build their book of business. Learn useful tips to making your reviews productive and profitable.

Conducting Successful Prospect Meetings

A good start with a prospect is key to converting them to a client and building a long term successful relationship. And perhaps nothing is more important then a good first meeting. Learn to prepare for and conduct an effective prospect meetings.

Developing Emotional Intelligence

This course will provide participants with the tools to gain control over emotions, navigate challenging situations, and communicate empathetically.

Time Management

The practice of time management requires focus and conscious planning to help win back control of your busy day, and conquer financial goals.

Become A Prioritizing Pro

Successfully and accurately completing your daily tasks lies in your ability to properly prioritize those tasks. Teresa Riccobuono, CEO of Simply Organized, explains the What, When and How's of becoming a Prioritizing Pro.

Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is vital to any kind of success, including your career and beyond. Simply put, critical thinking is a questioning approach to form a judgment or conclusion.

Mastering Difficult Clients

This training equips individuals with the ability to navigate challenging interactions, turning potential conflicts into opportunities for positive engagement.

Fast Facts Catalog

Short, topic specific reference videos of 10 minutes or less. See descriptions below

Check Back! More Courses Being Added Soon

Fast Facts Lessons

Short topic specific reference video lessons of 10 minutes or less.

Fast Facts- Processing Workplace Retirement Plan Rollovers

Learn the steps to process a rollover with a client and what considerations to be aware of to make it go as smoothly as possible. 10 min

Fast Facts- Margin Accounts

A review of how margin accounts work, how clients may benefit and what risks to be aware of.

Fast Facts- Backdoor Roth Strategy

An explanation of the Back Door Roth Strategy and an important potential pitfall to avoid

Fast Facts- NUA/Net Unrealized Appreciatioin

A summary of a unique planning strategy for clients who own highly appreciated company stock inside their 401k plan

Fast Facts- Donor Advised Funds

Philanthropic tools for clients with charitable intents. A 5 minute overview on what they are, how they work, advantages and disadvantages.

Fast Facts- Exchange Traded Funds

Exchange Funds are a unique strategy sometimes utilized by high net worth clients. Understanding the complexities of these products will help build trust and confidence with your top clients.

Complimentary Lessons

Become A Prioritizing Pro

Successfully and accurately completing your daily tasks lies in your ability to properly prioritize those tasks. Teresa Riccobuono, CEO of Simply Organized, explains the What, When and How's of becoming a Prioritizing Pro.

Navigating Common Talent Challenges

Michelle Wong, CEO & Founder of Nifty Advisor Support joins us for for a discussion about overcoming obstacles many firms find on their way to build high performing teams.

Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefit Riders

A dive into a popular, but complex annuity rider found in many retiree portfolios. Avoid your client missing important trigger dates and options under these benefits.

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